Oriflame - The One Eye Liner Stylo in Black Review, Swatches & EOTD

Hey everyone,
Hope you all had a great weekend. Now that Diwali is almost here, everyone would be busy shopping. Women never finish their shopping.. Lol.. I am a big make up and skin care junkie hence when Diwali or any festival is near I have my huge list of make up to be purchased. Currently I am more into skin care and I am more into using Oriflame make up as I like it and do not hoard every single brand from the market. Today I shall be reviewing their newest eye liner featured in their current month catalogue called Oriflame - The One Eye Liner Stylo in Black. Read on to know my thoughts on it...

Price: Rs. 499/- for 0.8 ml. Available here on discount for Rs. 375/- in the current month's catalogue here

What the brand says about the product:

  • 24 hours lasting definition with Eye Liner Stylo
  • Soft felt tip delivers one smooth precise line without dragging or stopping **
  • Suitable for contact lens wearers.
  • Opthalmologically tested

The body of the eyeliner is grey in color very classy. The bottom tip of the eye liner tells you what color it is hence it is easy to locate the shade you are looking for.The cap shuts well and can be easily carried with you in your purse while travelling. It also mentions the expiry date at the bottom in fine print which I like because you know when you need to finish it off. Overall decent and effective packaging.

In the past I have talked about many Oriflame products on my blog. The only felt tip eye liner I have used and still using is their eye liner stylo in Black. The product was good only it was not intense black still ok for me as I am such a hopeless person when it comes to drawing a straight line across my upper lash line without making a mistake.

Coming to this eye liner which is a part of the Long Wear collection. I must say is pretty impressive.First thing first the tip is amazing you can draw the thin line or even a thick line by going over it or using it in a slant format which will make you achieve the perfect eye liner. Unlike some eyeliners this one looks glossy and gives you the same effect like a normal liquid eye liner would do which is a vow!! factor for me. It is ideal for sensitive eyes and those using contact lens. It is not waterproof but let me tell you it stays on all day and does not budge unless you decide to take it off. I usually use coconut or almond oil as a make up remover which effortlessly takes off the make up. When  I used a normal eye make up remover it did not come off that easily hence I would recommend you to use a oil based or any good quality make up remover.I definitely love this eye liner a lot and see myself using it a lot especially when I am out or for some important function.

The Good:
Easily available through an Oriflame representative.
Inexpensive and works well.
Simple yet effective packaging.
Felt tip helps in easy application of eye liner for anyone.
Fit for those wear lenses and sensitive eyes.
The effect is same as  a liquid eye liner - intense and glossy.
Stays on the eyes all day - Smudge proof.
Can be easily carried in your make up pouch.

The not so Good:
Not waterproof.

Rating: 4.5/5

Oriflame - The One Eye Liner Stylo in Black is an amazing felt tip eye liner which lasts all day, does not flake, gives you the illusion of a liquid eyeliner and the best option for those who are not comfortable with a liquid eye liner. I highly recommend this product to everyone this Diwali and otherwise too.

Thank you for reading. I hope you found this post informative and helpful. Please leave a commenf with your inputs and new visitors/bloggers may leave their blog links for me to check out.

Until next time.. Take care xoxo

(1) All views, opinions and comments expressed here in are that of the author in his/her individual capacity & Oriflame does not hold any liability, whatsoever n respect of same (2) Names, logos & other proprietary information quoted in this blog are property of Oriflame & are mentioned here for reference purpose only. (3) Any reliance on any such opinion, comments, advice, statement or information shall be at the reader's sole risk


  1. yeh eyeliner mujhe chahiye thakur! :D :D its like WOW <3

  2. Perfect line..... great product!!!
    Kisses and happy new week!

    My Facebook

  3. Great presentation and tutorial the eyeliner rock

  4. Oh Nats, so pretty eyeliner.
    I love your eye make up
    so perfect <3 <3 <3
    Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog

  5. It looks like a great eyeliner minus it not being waterproof.

  6. Lapis maravilhoso amei o resultado
    Curta e siga o meu canal, tenha uma semana abençoada.
    Canal de youtube: http://www.youtube.com/NekitaReis

  7. Oh my its felt tip looks really good. Loved how jet black it is :)

  8. felt tip and jet black.... seems like a perfect eyeliner indeed... great review Nats and beautiful EOTD

  9. I also like this liner Nats...the blue one is also good

  10. Like its felt tip application. I can see how easy it would have been to apply. Your eyes says it all.

  11. I have never tried this but it looks so great Nats! LovelY Review Babe :)

  12. WOW intense black I like it would love to try it :) beautiful EOTD Nats <3

  13. Pretty intense hue & have came off really beautiful on your eyes .. Loves your EOTD <3
    Lovely Post Dear :)

  14. That looks great. It looks similar to the Catrice one, I don't know if you've heard it before.
    Kisses! :-)


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